Ross Mabbett
Software Engineer
JavaScript, Python, Ruby

I'm a developer and thinker poised to make critical impact at an organization that values creativity and innovation.
While exploring new technologies and discovering the creative possibilities they provide I find consistent satisfaction by approaching every problem from an unconventional perspective.
Surmounting challenges through logic and playful thinking is my passion, and I am always eager to learn new things.
With a strong eye for visual composition and concept—I want my work to be easily navigable and entice intuitive interaction with the user's experience being paramount.
ResuméFull Stack Web Presence of NYC arts festival
A fully responsive bespoke site for the 2023 Art in Odd Places festival. WordPress CMS, mySQL database, PHP, CSS and JavaScript. A collaboration between a team of designers and artists to create a site that reflects the festival's ethos.
A full stack Criterion Collection clone
Utilizing a Rails backend with a React/Redux frontend, this application mirrors the interactive features and aesthetics of Users can effortlessly navigate product pages, easily manage shopping carts, and seamlessly complete transactions thanks to full Stripe integration.
Team constructed MERN-stack scheduling for job seekers
A ground-up calendar and task scheduling app for tracking users' job hunting experiences. With a theme inspired by the perseverance of the woodland squirrel, users may schedule appointments, take notes, record and edit tasks for each event.
Amateur radio signal mapping built in pure JavaScript using Leaflet and webpack
An SPA built to discover amateur radio signals in the New York area. Using a custom tile set on an interactive map, this generates pins for the locations of callsigns in any given zip code
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